This blog is not about my Reiki energy healing or spiritual arts; it’s about the fundraiser that we’re doing for my friend Mary Ann William who needs immediate help right now. We’ve set up GoFundMe page for her as below;
I met Mary Ann for the first time at ECETI ranch in Washington State in August 2019. It was an event hosted by awakened individual named Shane Robinson who has a YouTube channel called Unbiased And On The Fence Almost one hundred people all around the USA, one person from Scotland and another person from Canada gathered at ECETI ranch. We were all like-minded and loving people who have been searching for answers about the universe, consciousness, where we came from and where we’re going, etc, etc. It was a soul family reunion.
Unfortunately, Mary Ann has had a tough time finding a stable life since then. The second time I saw her in 2020, she was about to leave California. She had lived and worked with animals at a ranch in Southern California for several years, but she was told to leave. She sold her car, and she moved out of California to live with her new friends who she met at ECETI ranch the year before. It was a temporary engagement, so she moved again to live with Rita and Gary in Michigan who she met also at ECETI ranch. They were so kind enough to let her stay at their camper for several months.
Recently in 2021, she moved back to Southern California and she started living with her old friend who is a horse hauler. Mary Ann loves animals and she was enjoying helping her new roommate with hauling horses. However, the situation changed and her roommate was put in a position to move out of the place; thus, Mary Ann needs to move out again.
Mary Ann was divorced in 2014 and her ex-husband passed away in 2018. She does not have any children nor any close relatives that she can get help from. She had a condition where her body would tremble severely from time to time; however, she is well enough now.
She had unfortunate events one after another and she had to move so many times in the last couple of years. Now, she is 100% ready to start a stable and sustainable living. She would like to get a job, get her own apartment, and a car so she will be independent again. Her wonderful friends; Rita and Gary in Michigan would still offer to help her find a job and get her own apartment. We need some funds so we can fly her from California to Michigan and put her back on her feet.
$1, $5 or any amount is greatly appreciated. Mary Ann, Rita, Gary and I would be so grateful for any help that we can get!!!
Love, light and peace for all…